Consumers are looking for the best water filtration technologies, and they’re not satisfied with just one. UV sterilization is an effective method of cleaning up your drinking supply; ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis can be used in homes to get purer water than what’s coming out near you – but which should everyone use shop here?
We also introduce high-tech hydrogel as a fourth highly effective water purification technology in addition to the three water filtering technologies. Reverse osmosis, ultraviolet, ultrafiltration, and hydrogel are all different types of water purification systems.
UV light sanitizer
Water that you drink may be contaminated with germs that are harmful to your health. There are several water treatment methods available for eliminating bacteria. Disinfecting water using ultraviolet light is effective against almost all types of bacterial contamination. UV disinfection has been covered in greater depth in our previous blog: Improving Drinking Water Through Ultraviolet Disinfection.
Working principle of ultraviolet sterilization
UV light is a type of natural sunlight. UV radiation is undetectable because it exists between visible light and X-rays. UV radiation can harm a microorganism’s cellular function and inhibit growth. Furthermore, UV light has the ability to sterilize water and destroy waterborne disease-causing germs and viruses.
The LED ultraviolet sterilizer is a less hazardous alternative to the mercury lamps. The UV disinfection system comprises of LED light bulbs that emit light; illumination is up to 90% more efficient than conventional incandescent light bulbs. There is no mercury in the sterilizer, so you won’t have to worry about dangerous mercury leaks. The Waterdrop RO water filter with UV light is the most advanced water filtration system on the market. This can eliminate most contaminants in drinking water.
Hydrogel Purification
Hydrogels are a new water treatment technology. The device generates hydrogen peroxide, which inhibits bacteria growth and kills them by combining with carbon particles. Gel-polymer hybrid materials have been utilized to create a more cost-effective and smaller footprint water purification technique in the last year or so.
Solar evaporation is not as effective as liquid, but hydrogel remains one of the most efficient methods for removing salt from water. The excellent photothermal and biofouling-resistant features of hydrogel can be utilized as solar evaporators to create continuous water purification.
The purification procedure for hydrogels is safe, environmentally responsible, and does not produce hazardous by-products. When utilized as oral tablets without the need of a power supply, the hydrogel can achieve more than 99.999% water disinfection efficacy in 60 minutes or less.
Hydrogel does not need energy to function, and it generates no hazardous by-products. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective method that has the potential to revolutionize the water purification industry in the near future. Hydrogels have advantages as well as drawbacks, such as their speed.
Ultrafiltration is a type of membrane filtration that protects water against germs, viruses, and other impurities. When the ultrafiltration system is in use, water goes through its 0.01micron membrane. Particles that can’t go through the membrane remain on the outside while clean water and dissolved minerals flow through.
Ultrafiltration, like UV and hydrogel filtration, is an effective method for removing bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, the system does not require electricity to function. The system operates on natural pressure instead of power. You won’t have to worry about power outages or electricity costs because to this zero-power water purification technology.
Because they are established water purification processes, many water purifiers on the market utilize UV disinfection and ultrafiltration. Although it is a new technology, hydrogel still requires extensive testing to establish and verify its efficacy.
UV sterilizers remove 99.9 percent of pollutants, making them slightly superior to ultrafiltration in terms of filtration efficiency. UV sterilizers are also more expensive than ultrafiltration. The actual effectiveness and cost of hydrogel as yet remain unknown.
It may be tempting to use only one water purification approach because each technology has benefits and drawbacks. As a result, it’s better to employ a multi-step purification process that incorporates several filtration processes.