Father of Artificial Intelligence : Who is the Father Of Artificial Intelligence?

by Moore Martin

Father of Artificial Intelligence

In response to concerns about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI), Geoffrey Hinton, a renowned figure in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), has resigned from Google. A number of today’s products are based on Hinton’s neural networks research. For ten years, he worked part time for Google on AI development efforts, but now regrets his involvement with it.

He clarified that he did not resign because of any criticism of Google as he praised the tech giant for its responsible approach to AI in a recent tweet.

There are some dangers associated with AI chatbots, including the possibility they could become more intelligent than humans and be exploited by ‘bad actors.’ He also expressed concerns about the ‘existential risk’ of AI becoming more intelligent.

Hinton – the father of artificial intelligence

Geoffrey Hinton is an eminent figure in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. He holds a BA in Experimental Psychology from Cambridge and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Edinburgh. He has held various academic positions at prestigious institutions, including the University of Toronto, Google since 2013, where he is now an emeritus distinguished professor. His contributions to neural network research include the development of back-propagation, Boltzmann machines, and deep belief nets. His research in deep learning has had a significant impact on speech recognition and object classification.

Numerous awards have been bestowed upon Hinton, including the first David E. Rumelhart prize and the IEEE James Clerk Maxwell Gold Medal. He is also a fellow of several scientific societies and has received honorary doctorates from several universities.

Recent decision by Geoffrey Hinton to speak out against AI-powered chatbots comes as concerns grow among lawmakers, advocacy groups, and tech insiders about the potential for these tools to spread misinformation and displace jobs. ChatGPT’s popularity last year has spurred a race among tech companies to develop and deploy similar AI tools in their products. OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google are at the forefront of this trend, and other companies like IBM, Amazon, Baidu, and Tencent also working on similar technologies.

In light of safety concerns, experts urge a pause in AI chatbot development

In March, a group of experts, including tech mogul Elon Musk and Yoshua Bengio, signed an open letter urging for a pause in developing chatbots that were more advanced than ChatGPT until robust safety measures could be implemented. Geoffrey Hinton disagreed, stating that he believed AI would provide more benefits than risks in the short term. He added that a pause would be difficult due to international competition and that it was the government’s responsibility to regulate the development of AI.

In an interview with BBC, Dr Hinton said he was not criticizing Google, and praised it for being ‘very responsible.’ “I actually want to say some good things about Google,” he said.

In an interview, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said he is eager to understand all the capabilities of the company’s AI chatbot, Bard. The concern is that we are currently on a speeding train, and one day it will start building its own tracks.

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