Employee’s Internet Activity- How To Keep A Check With Software


Due to the advancement in the technology world, it has become important for any employer to stay one step ahead. He has to monitor every activity of the employees to make sure that there is no unusual activity within the company’s premise. In order to do that, he must get a computer monitoring software which not only tracks the employee’s performance but also keeps a check on his internet activities.

Most of the companies give access to employees to browse the internet because of the project requirements or for any other reasons. Some organizations have proxy servers to disable adult, gaming and other illegal websites. However, many professionals are able to break the proxy and open these sites without any issue. In this case, a company has to take required actions as to avoid these incidents during working hours.

Getting Internet monitoring software helps a lot in increasing the productivity of the staff members. The software checks on what employees are browsing through its reporting systems. Some of them capture the screen of the system windows while others take secret photos through webcams. In such scenarios, the employers have to take care of following key points:

  1. Privacy of the employee: The employee may resent if he is found guilty for watching any avoidable photos or videos on the internet. Therefore, the employer has to let every employee know that there is monitoring software installed on his or her system which tracks everything. This would definitely make a difference and the employee will not dare to open such websites on the system.
  2. The Culture of the organization: As mentioned before, there are a plenty of programs available in the market doing different actions on the employee’s system. A few of them take screen shots of emails, videos and even chats while others keep a track on keyboard strokes. It is a good idea to choose the one which suits the most to the organization’s culture and with whom the employees feel more comfortable.
  3. Educate the employees: One of the best ways to get the best results of these programs is to educate the employees and train them in advance as to what software is going to monitor. They must be familiar with its functions, features and reporting system. The employees must know what is being captured when they are working on the system or on the internet. This way, they will feel secure and become more productive.
  4. List of offenses: If an employer is going to get remote computer monitoring software for his employees, he must distribute a list of offences among the employees. This list must include all the actions which must be avoided on the internet during working hours and within the company’s premises. The employer must sound fair to the employees and they will refrain from doing these actions during their working tenure.
  5. If an employer is going to get best computer monitoring software  for his employees, he must distribute a list of offences among the employees.

By keeping above mentioned points in mind, an employer is able to restrict the misuse of office resources and increase the performance of staff and hence, the organization as a whole.

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