The Nike Air Jordan women has been the favorite of many basketball players and their fans since it was first designed by Nike in 1985. Since then, many new versions have been released, including limited editions and specific models for different NBA teams. Unfortunately, counterfeiters have also gotten in on some of these models, making it difficult to know when you’re getting a real pair of Air Jordans. With some time and a few key characteristics, you can spot a genuine pair of Replica 4 jordans from a fake one.
Check the box for information about the shoes, such as the style number (e.g., “Air Jordan 1 Retro”), colorway (e.g., “Black/Green”), size, model year and materials used to make the shoe (e.g., leather). Compare this information to online listings of authentic Air Jordan shoes to make sure everything matches up with what you’ve got.
Look at the fit of the shoe when you try it on. It should be snug without feeling too tight or uncomfortable, especially around your toes. If they feel like they’re going to cut off circulation in your foot after just a few minutes, they’re probably too small or uncomfortable to be genuine Air Jordans.
Have you ever been checking out the latest Nike Air Jordan Women shoe and wondered if they were fake? If so, you are not alone. The internet is full of counterfeit Nike Air Jordan Women shoes, and it can be hard to distinguish the real from a fake. But with a little bit of patience, you can learn how to spot a pair of fake Nike Air Jordan Women shoes in no time.
1. Check the Sole
The sole of the shoe may look slightly different depending on which model you are looking at (1-23), but there is one thing that most soles have in common: The Jumpman Logo. If the logo is the wrong size or shape, this is usually a good indication that you’re dealing with a fake.
Some models of Air Jordans use a white sole with red stripes; if these stripes appear to be pink rather than red, they were probably reproduced from a low-quality image, which is another sign that you’re dealing with a counterfeit item.
2. Check the Insole
Inspect the insole for any printing errors and spelling mistakes. Real Jordan shoes never have spelling mistakes on their insoles; this is perhaps the easiest way to tell fake Jordans from real ones.
3. Check the box label
It is easy to find out whether or not a pair of Nike Air Jordans are fake if you just look at their packaging. The box should be sturdy and well-constructed, with no missing flaps or glue marks on its surfaces. Examine it closely for any signs that it was tampered with, such as an open seal or missing label. If there are any defects in these areas, then chances are that they are fake.
4. Check with Nike
Nike has two websites that you can use to check if an item is authentic. If you have the product number and color code, go to Nike’s website and use their product authenticity checker. If you don’t have the product number and color code, go to their website and find the model of shoe that you want to buy. Then compare it with what is on the seller’s site. Make sure that all of the details, such as color and materials used, match up exactly.
5. Look at Reviews
If you are planning on buying from a particular seller, take a look at their reviews first. This will give you an idea about whether or not other customers had any problems with their orders. You should also look for sellers who offer free returns if the item turns out to be fake so that you don’t waste your money if it doesn’t work out.
6. Brand Stitching
Fake Jordans will be made of different materials and won’t have the stitching that real Nike shoes do. The infamous Jumpman logo on the tongue will be missing or poorly stitched if it’s a cheap knockoff.
Check the Laces:
Real Nike shoes have laces that are evenly spaced and straight while the fakes will not. Look closely, as this is one of the easiest ways to spot a pair of fake Nikes.
7. Look at the Colors
When you’re trying to spot a fake, look at the colors of each part of the shoe (midsole, heel tab, sole). Real Jordans have a color placement that is evenly distributed throughout where as fake ones will not be as even and usually blotchy in appearance.