70 Advanced and Alternative Search Engines For You to Use.


Are you searching for a powerful search engine, other than Google? Have you searched for them on the internet? If they are there, they are for you.

The Search Engine Industry is continuously growing. New and more advanced and alternative Search Engines are appearing on the internet every month. You can find whatever you want to find, with these search engines on the internet.

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine on internet is basically a software program. This program enables the users to search for information on the internet. Till now, the biggest search engines were Google, Yahoo and Bing. They ruled the search engine industry.

But now, there are many advanced and alternative search engines available for the users. These search engines are unique because of their diversified search features and socially conscious outlook. These alternative search engines help you to identify the next topic for your blog, to discover communities of industries and have company information on line and many more such activities.

General Internet Search Engines

There are some standard search engines, as search related software, apart from the top three search engines. These are search engines best suited for the purpose-

1. DuckDuckGo :- If you are concerned about online privacy, it is the search engine for you. It is the search engine that does not track or personalize your searches and the search results. It also offers visual guide on Google tracking. It filters bubbling.


2. GoodSearch:- GoodSearch is the search engine for you to track the web and raise funds for charity of your choice. You need to open an account first and pick a charity of your choice. Then you can start searching. This engine will donate $0.01, each time you create a valid search enquiry.


3. SearchEncrypt :- It is an alternative search engine for DuckDuckGo. They are based on user’s privacy. It has general search function, as well as image and video search.


4. Dogpile :- It is a search aggregator. They pull results from three most popular search engines. It helps to maximize the efficiency of your search.


5. Ecosia :- Ecosia is the search engines that take care of Ecology, while you make your searches with Ecosia. It uses the surplus income to conservationists’ organizations. These organizations plant trees. Ecosia uses Bing and it has its own search algorithms.

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

6. WolframAlpha :- They are known as a computational knowledge engine. It is the best search engine if you are searching for metrics and data. They compute answers and can provide extensive analysis. It also provides detailed reports of information.

Wolfram Alpha Computational Intelligence

7. Blekko :- This search engine provides spam free results. They provide differentiated editorial information, when you search. This search engine looks for quality and does not look for quantity. They prefer source based authority over linked based authority and remove those websites, which targets monetization over information. It uses human curating, through the use of user tags.

8. Gibiru :- It is a non tracking search engine. It provides absolute users privacy. No records are stored in the company servers. They provide proxy IP service with anonymous search engine requests and cookie crumbling. This proxy IP is refreshed in every few minutes to provide optimum anonymity.

Gibiru – Protecting your privacy since 2009

9. Gigablast :- They are open source search engine. The accuracy is questionable. It search engine with a retro look. It is similar to the now defunct Google Instant.

Gigablast - An Alternative Web Search Engine

10. KidRex :- KidRex is a general search engine. It filters out unsuitable contents for kids.

11. AOL :- It is a general search engine. It has clean and minimalistic interface. It helps you to discover news, images, contents and documents, you are looking for.

AOL - News Weather Entertainment Finance Lifestyle

12. Social Media Search Engines:- These search engines are for social network specific advanced search. It helps finding what on the top social networks.

13. Facebook Search :- Facebook advance search helps you to see a particular search across various areas of Facebook. While you click on “See more results” link, while you type your query, you can see all the results within people, places, pages, groups etc.

14. Linkedin People Search:- This search engine helps you to find the right contacts for your first sales call very easily. You can search for people here. You can also sort out the results based on industries and seniority levels.

15. Linkedin Job Search :- It provides advanced job search for the job seekers. It uses all the relevant information and experience level, with industry. The primary members can also search for salary offered.

16. Linkedin Content Search :- It has an extensive database of contents, generated by the users. This database expands every day. Linkedin offers content search for navigation. It helps the users to search for latest posts.

17. Linkedin Answer Search :- It is a great way to gain exposures and build authority in your industry. It helps to find the perfect question to answer.

18. Twitter Search :- You can find results easily on Twitter with Twitter’s advanced search. It is great for businesses, looking for local audiences.

19. Social Search:- Social search helps to conduct a search in each social media channel separately. You can have comprehensive search results by combining the results from multiple social networks.

20. Social Mention :- Social Mention searches for contents, generated by users. These include blogs, comments, events, bookmarks, videos and news. It gathers the data from search query. It provides a single stream of information.

21. Keyhole :- It helps you to look for hashtags, keywords, URLs and @mentions.

22. Bing Social :- You can use Bing to search for information on Twitter and Facebook. It displays all the related contents.

23. Buzzsumo :- It helps to find out which articles were shared most on the web in a particular search.

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24. Who’s Talking :- It is a social media search tool that shows all the conversations that happens across 60 social media sites. You can also filter your search results here.

25. Social Searcher :- It is similar to Social Mention. It provides trending links and mentions, by searching numerous social networks.

26. Anoox :- It allows you know about conversations taking place on multiple social media sites.

27. Websta :- It is a search engine for only Instagram. It searches tags, boards and user accounts.

28. Social Seeking :- It searches for generated news, videos and images on social media network.

29. Forum Search Engines :- It is a great search engine for blogs and their visibility in community.

30. Boardreader :- It crawls all the forums to find out what you are looking for and shows all the relevant results. It sorts the contents by languages and dates.

31. Blog search Engines :- It helps in finding industry related blogs.

32. Regator :- It is a blog search engine that helps you in browsing for blogs by type and search, in the blogs and topics that interest you.

33. BlogSearch :- It helps you to search more than 40,000 blogs online for specific topics and blogs in various categories.

34. Twingly :- It keeps track from all the blogs, news and forums.

35. Search Engines for Documents, Attachments, Presentations and eBooks :- These can also be termed as sort of listing search engines.

36. Google Advance Search :- It allows you to search for specific type of documents, especially PDFs.

37. Scribd :- It is the largest social reading and publishing network. It allows you to find out the original written content across the websites.

Scribd - Read books audiobooks and more

38. SlideShare :- SlideShare is the largest community for sharing presentations.

39. Search Engines for Images :- These are repositories for images and photos. It returns all the images on the web, upon placed a query.

40. Flickr :- Its search is restricted to its network only. It is a search engine for images, photos, illustrations, and screenshots. It is also a social media channel.

Find your inspiration Flickr

41. Pinterest :- Pinterest is the ultimate platform for images. It allows you to search for anything that is visual.

42. Bing :- Bing provides image search with the top trending images. It then gives images those can be filtered by size, layout or other specifications. It also displays tabs.

43. TinEye :- It helps search for images that appears elsewhere online. TinEye is an individual Search Engine for photographers and creators. They can check as to how and where their images are being used online.

44. PicSearch :- It is similar to Google Images Advanced search. It can find all the pictures on the web. You can sort them out as per your requirements.


45. Google advanced Image Search :- It allows you to be more specific about the images, you are looking for. You can also search within images labeled for reuse commercially, with or without modifications.

46. Creative Media Search Engines :- Creative Media Search Engines help you finding media created by others on your websites. These are search engines for videos or video search engines.

48. Creative Commons :- It helps you to find images that you can reuse for commercial purpose and also modify them. It allows you to look through multiple sources to find your image.

 49. Wikimedia :- Wikimedia common maintains over 12 million files. It is a database of freely usable images, videos and sound bites.

50. BlinkX :- This search engine provides you videos that are not on You Tube. It searches many resources of video sites, including Hulu and You Tube.

51. Clipblast :- This search engine crawls all media publishing platforms and news for resources for selected topics and videos.

52. Website Statistics Search Engines :- It helps analyzing your website data.

53. CrunchBase :- It searches all information related to one brand or a company.

54. SimilarWeb :- SimilarWeb helps you to search for websites or app profiles, based on specific domains or app names.


55. Quantcast :- This search engine displays website statistics, including traffic, general interests and demography.

56. BuiltWith :- BuiltWith is the search engine that helps you to spy on your competitors. It tells about the technology used on that site, the CMS system, the widgets and the codes.

57. Google Advance Search Engines :- It is the best search engine that helps you to dig deeper to search and utilize all features.

58. Google Advance Search :- It is a mighty search engine that allows you to be specific about your search criteria and helps you to find exactly what you are looking for.

59. Google Scholar :- It is a repository of books, theses, articles, educational materials, presentations and everything that is associated with academia.

60. Google Advanced Book Search :- This search engine crawls on books online to search and find queries on books and their pages. It will indicate a PDF download if the book is for free downloading.

61. Regional Search Engines :- These dominate the regional markets.

62. Baidu :- It is the largest search engine in China market.

63. Naver :- It is a popular South Korean Search Engine.

64. Goo :- It originated in Japan.

65. Yandex :- Yandex is the largest Russian Search Engine.

66. Virgilio :- It is a search engine from Italy.

67. Walla :- It is a search engine from Israel.

68. Din :- This search Engine is from Bulgaria-

69. Search :- This search engine was born in Switzerland.

70. Das Oertliche :- It is a German search engine.

All these search engines have English language search capabilities as well.

Now you can find out what is the best search engine for you. Do you have further queries about alternative search engines? Comment below for further information. 

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